these are the two best sources, according to experts

these are the two best sources, according to experts

House energy production is a trend that will lead us to decarbonize our entire economy – both in America and the rest of the world. The European Union is ahead of us, although in the United States we have hit upon two trends that will be key. Solar photovoltaic or wind power? Here’s what the experts have to say about which is best for your home.

House energy generation, a trend that is possible in two ways

The governments of more than twenty countries around the world have increased the amounts for their subsidy programs, with which they intend to stimulate house energy generation. The United States has also done so, as has the European Union.

So far we all understand this, but there is a point where the paths diverge. What is the best way to generate energy for housing? The experts refer to two very specific ones:

  • Photovoltaic solar, with panels that can also be thermal or hybrid. It is easier to install, since it only requires an inverter and the cells themselves. It is even possible to incorporate batteries to store the surplus.
  • Wind power, which requires less space and can be easily installed in the garden. However, it has the disadvantage of being more expensive, although it allows to recover the investment in less time if the area has a tendency to wind.

This is the cost of installing home wind turbines and solar panels: experts reveal the final price

The fixed costs of wind and solar energy systems are greatly affected by the size of the system or other various factors. Experts have made a sound analysis regarding that these two generations sources is really expensive if one is operating at home.

The initial costs of wind turbines, by comparison, are higher than the ones of solar panels. A home wind turbine can cost $15,000 – $35,000, if it is installed while an average price of a home solar array is $15,000 -$25,000.

In the long run, wind turbines have the lowest operating costs as they need less repair and maintenance than solar panels. Solar panels may need to be cleaned periodically and do tend to lose their efficiency over time they have been working.

The renewal of wind energy incentives reduces, while solar incentives are still the most popular in many areas. This can bring all the costs and return-on-investment to more favourable figures for solar arrays in a home.

What’s more, solar panel costs have experienced a long-term downward trend in the last 10 years which has made them more affordable. Even today the wind energy is still considered as the least expensive renewable energy technology.

Federal taxes, an area of concern for experts

There are federal tax credits available in the U.S. that can offset 30% of the cost of installing a wind or solar system. Some utility companies and state/local governments also offer rebates and incentives that can reduce the payback period.

In any case, remember that in the United States we have different subsidies that you can apply for to make the installation more cost-effective. The key is to amortize it in a short or medium term, at the most, to save money.

On the other hand, we also have energy efficiency subsidies, which you can apply for whether you generate electricity with wind energy or solar photovoltaic energy. However, experts clarify that the latter are easier to install in order to receive the right to a subsidy.

As you can see, solar photovoltaic and wind energy will be two pillars for our house energy production. Experts have been able to identify which is the best in a country like the United States, and now we can only wait for the Biden administration to grant more subsidies. This trend will be decisive for our future, but it needs public funding support.


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